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Success Stories

Read the case studies below to get a sampling of the range of ways Discounted Vacations travel incentives have been used by others to grow their business and how they can help you.

Pamela Blair
Customer Care
Nation Loans
Redwood Park, CA

We wanted to increase our profits with a new sales approach. We were looking for a way to motivate new brokers as well as existing ones we were already working with to purchase a higher quantity of our product in order to get to 10-12% closing ratios.

What We Did
We work with Mortgage Brokers and Branch Managers who sell mortgage leads to brokers all over the United States. For every Broker that bought 50 leads we awarded them with a Free Vacation Certificate. We ran the program for four months.

In the course of 3 months our business increased by 7%. While that may not seem like a lot, those Brokers that received them are still working with us so there will also be a long-term increase in our business as a result of this incentive program. Our agents were very satisfied with the program. It is the first time we tried something like this and we feel it served our objectives and we acknowledged our gratitude to our clients.

Jill Johnson
Realtor, Stegall Realtors
Mechanicsburg, PA

My husband and I work as a Real Estate Team at the James Stegall Realtor Office in Mechanicsburg, PA. With the competitiveness of the real estate market being what it is we were looking for a way to stand out from the rest of the pack.

We purchased the 7 Night Resort Certificate, ran advertising and offered them as settlement gifts to buyers and sellers who chose us as their agent.

The response was overwhelming and we were printing the certificates for a couple months. Needless to say we increased our business significantly as a result of giving this gift as an incentive to choose us over a competitor. One client was able to extend their honeymoon thanks to the certificate they received!! The usual reaction is, “WOW, a vacation, thanks so much.” I’ve been very satisfied with this as a marketing tool and will definitely consider running this promotion again!!

Gill Hartman
Seafood Market
Bristol, NH

I run a membership club for discount dining at fine dining restaurants in the Bristol, NH area. We were looking for a way to increase our membership.

We purchased several Grocery, Restaurant and Hotel Certificates and used them as a thank you gift for current members that gave us 5 referrals that subsequently became members.

The response was overwhelming. We ran the promotion for three months and had to print more and more certificates. We added 500 new members and netted close to $15,000 in three months just by running this promotion!! It was easily the most cost effective marketing tool I’ve ever used and I was very satisfied with the results. As memberships approach expiration I may consider using the certificates as a way of retaining members.

Sam Richards
Capital Finance
Salt Lake City, UT

We were looking to generate more leads and get prospects to bring their mortgages to us. Our industry is highly competitive and all too often prospects shop around and when they finally make a decision it could be with a competitor even though we offer similar rates. We wanted to get prospects to skip the shopping around and sign up with us.

We purchased the Recreation certificates and the Super Savings certificates. We offered these packages as a thank you to anyone that closed a loan with our company. We used this incentive in our advertising campaigns and immediately started receiving more phone calls.

The results were exactly what we were aiming for! Clients that come to us for a mortgage don’t bother shopping around when they know that if they close a loan with us they get a valuable certificate or a vacation. It was the best marketing tool we have ever used and has paid for itself many times over and I would highly recommend this to any business. Quite simply it was the best investment I’ve ever made.

Linda Black
Business Travel Services
Lansing, MI

We were looking for a way to motivate companies to bring their corporate and leisure travel business to us.

We purchased the 8 Day 7 Night certificate and started advertising a free trip to anyone that booked their corporate or personal travel through us. We are also using these as a way to motivate doctors to book their continuing educations travel seminars through us.

We have had over 150 additional sales since implementing this program, sales we wouldn’t have made without the
vcertificates. To say the least, we’re very satisfied. I absolutely would recommend your Travel certificates as a marketing tool to any business!!! Not only was it a great investment, it has paid for itself many times over.

Kelly Wright
City Travel
Kent, OH

We were looking for a way to generate buzz and business without spending more money on additional advertising. Our objective was to attract more clients as well as have a great way to donate something to the various charitable requests we give to.

We used Super Saver and Grocery Certificates and started offering those to clients that booked travel with us and we have also used these to give out as silent auction donations and as prizes for local golf tournaments.

The results have been outstanding. We’ve succeeded at creating the “Buzz” we were after and more business. We have people coming up to us all the time saying, “You are EVERYWHERE.”

This has helped our business tremendously over the eight months that we’ve been using the certificates. It is certainly one of the greatest investments we’ve ever made and the one time fee has paid for itself many times over. I would absolutely recommend Discounted-Vacations certificates as an effective marketing tool!

Felicia Fong
Port Travel
Toms River, NJ

We needed a way to attract as many prospects as possible to our booth at a recent tradeshow we participated in. We sell Global Distribution Systems to travel agents and wanted a marketing tool which would give us a very positive return on our investment.

We purchased the Entertainment certificate to give away to the winners of a contest. We created a quiz for prospective clients to take and the first 100 prospects to answer correctly were given the certificates as an award.

The results were amazing! We generated more traffic than we’d ever imagined and as a result obtained 100 new leads for our product. Satisfied? You bet! The certificates more than paid for themselves. I would highly recommend
Discounted-Vacations.com certificates as a way to generate more leads and business.

Andy Antonelli
Bakersfield Media
Bakersfield, CA

We were looking for a way to sell ad space without giving up too much profit. We sell advertising space for a resource guide targeted at mom’s, mothers-to-be, and grandparents. We wanted to target all of these types of clients and get them to buy ad space.

We purchased a variety of the Travel Certificates to be given to every new advertising contract.

We have been running the program for 8 weeks now and it’s a huge success. As of today we have eleven additional sales totaling approximately $23,000!!

We’ve have reached our sales goals thanks to this promotion. The best part is seeing the smile on a customers face when they are presented with a certificate.  certificates are the best marketing tool I’ve ever used and I would highly recommend them to any sales oriented business. I can print as many as I need, it's worth every penny!

David Ritchie
Pure Solutions
Jacksonville, FL

We sell water filtration systems to home owners and have typically used a door hanger promoting a free water test and a demonstration of our product. Utilizing this method we were only getting into about 4% of the homes we targeted. We were looking for a creative way to get a higher percentage of people to respond.

We purchased the 3 Day, 2 Night Hotel certificate and started advertising those as a thank you for homeowners that signed up for an in-home demonstration of our water filtration system.

The results were amazing and immediate!! We were able to increase our appointment settings by over 50% in the last 4 weeks alone. This has been the best marketing tool we have ever used. I would highly recommend this to any business!! Great results!

Barney Merrill
Oakbrook Country Club
Oakbrook, IL

We needed to increase lead generation for our vacation club program.

Over the last 2 years we have used a couple of thousand certificates and we have used every single one of the Discounted-Vacations.com products.

We chose this particular product because of the integrity of the product. The products perform well and we have no headaches. With other companies there are problems with fulfillment…making people jump through too many hoops to use the incentive package. Not so with Discounted-Vacations.com. They offered a good product that is easy to use. In particular we like:

  • Your program enables us to print the entire certificate line utilizing state of the art graphics and the highest standards of print quality;

  • The locations utilized on the certificates are all highly desirable to consumers, thereby creating an effective lead generation tool;

  • The deposit and registration requirements of the Discounted-Vacations.com line are less onerous than other certificate companies, thereby lessening consumer frustration; and

  • To be able to print as many certificates as we want for a one time licensing fee.

Our sales have increased by at least 20% when using the certificates, over the last two years. We are extremely pleased. I would say that the mark of a good certificate is that you never hear a complaint back about it. I would definitely recommend the Vacation Incentives USA incentive program to any industry that needed to increase lead generation.

Mike Wilson
Liberty Mutual
Atlanta, Georgia

We needed to generate more appointments with small businesses, families and individuals for our insurance, mutual funds, and other related financial products.

We chose Vacation Incentives USA travel incentives because they offered people more options rather than just a calendar or a road map and it was memorable. We used a combination of the Hotel, Condo and Restaurant certificates.

We had a 15% increase in sales over the 6-month period we used the Incentive certificates. A one time annual fee to print all I want, wow!

Ted Simon
Print International
Cedar Falls, Idaho

I was hired about 2 years ago to market to aged accounts. The company sells a business opportunity to set people up in the specialty advertising industry, promotional material, pens and ball caps, that sort of thing. The database had about 24,000 names in it and I was challenged to come up with a way to turn the aged customers into sales. These were accounts where customers had said "No I do not want to buy this product".

I used the Vacation Incentives USA certificates to get customers back in front of a presentation, I printed about 1,000 3 day 2 night Hotel accommodation certificates. I've also used about 500 of the 8 Day 7 Night certificates as well. One of our main marketing areas is setting up at home shows. We motivate people to sign up for workshops after the home show by offering them a certificate.

The results were great. The first 6 months of last year, sales were up $300,000. The first 6-months of this year sales are $1.2 million. Vacation Incentives USA certificates get peoples attention. They have a high-perceived value. I am 110% satisfied. I love being able to print as many certificates as I like whenever I like. I'd recommend these certificates in a heart-beat. For the money and what I get there's nothing better.

This is a great product for anyone trying to get their customers attention. It's the law of reciprocity: I put a pen in your hand and you feel compelled to give me a moment of your time. I give you a vacation certificate and you're going to give me 2-3 hours.

Frank Haines
Pro Services
Columbus, Ohio

I have two types of businesses I market. One selling granite counters, the second goodie bags we provide to real estate agents. Granite counters are a large ticket item and I wanted a way to get more people in the door. For the goodie bag business I wanted to get customers to generate more referrals.

I used the Vacation Incentives USA Hotel certificate. I like that you can choose between two different plans with only one certificate.

I doubled the number of real estate agents I work with and tripled my income in the first 12 months. Adding the travel certificates to my goodie bags was the key. In addition, the travel certificates are helping bring in more customers for my granite counter business.

I am 100% satisfied with the Vacation Incentives USA product line. The certificates are easy to use and get great results. You can count on this company to give you value, unlike some of the scams out there. I'd recommend them to anyone who wants to grow their business. Being able to print as many as I like makes them extremely affordable.

John Bailey
Finance Inc.
San Diego, California

We wanted to increase the size of our client base, which at the time was 2,500 and needed a way to get more leads.

We had a team of people who went out to neighborhoods offering free vacations for new clients if they had their taxes prepared by us. We used about 1000 of the Vacation Incentives USA certificates during a 4-month period.

Our sales increased 25% during that four-month period. I was definitely very pleased with the product. Not only is Vacation Incentives USA a very professional company, so are all of their offerings. I think most industries would benefit from offering a variety of their products, including real estate, taxes, automobiles and pretty much any business looking to improve their bottom-line …even department stores.

June Gordy
Sun Travel

We wanted to bring in new clients for the travel packages we sell. As a start up company we needed a way to quickly build up our clientele of business and leisure travelers. After looking at a lot different incentives we decided that the Vacation Incentives USA program was the best one for us to use.

We started about 2-3 months ago and the program is still running. We used 25 of the 3 day, 2 night packages.

We loved the product! Our clients were happy with the incentive. Highly recommended. Just about any business could use the product, especially travel agents.

Angel Gallo
Owner, Lotions.com
Online Sales

I wasn't selling enough of my skincare products from my website. I wanted to increase both traffic and purchases.

I've used 4 different Vacation Incentives USA products so far. One hundred of the 52 Destinations, 13 Destinations, 7 Night Condominium and Grocery/Restaurant Coupon certificates. The promotion started about 5 months ago and is still running.

The results have been great with average per client sales up 55%. Vacation Incentives USA travel certificates are the best marketing tool I've ever used. Absolutely recommended! It's a great investment and more than paid for itself. I think everybody could use this product.

Karen Tarply
Century 21

In such a competitive market I needed a hook, some way to increase my real-estate listings.

Discounted-Vacations.com certificates increased my real estate listings as a Century 21 broker. I use the certificates to get home owners to list with me. I gave out 25 last year and so far since January I've used about 12. So I've been using the product for about a year and a half.

My customers love them and they've helped me get more listings. I endorse the product and highly recommend
Discounted-Vacations.com to everyone to use as a marketing tool.

Teresa Jones
Jones Mortgage

We are mortgage brokers and needed a way to promote our new business, get prospects in the door and close more loans.

We started using the 2 nights, 3days a couple of months ago and have used about 300, the promotion is still going on. We gave them away to prospects for speaking to us and giving us feedback on our services.

Discounted-Vacations.com travel certificates are a great marketing tool. They've helped us get attention and more responses. A great investment that has more than paid for itself. Any business could find a use for this product.